Helping Creative People Do Their Best Work

As an innovator, writer, musician, artist or creative entrepreneur, I bet you have :

  • Tried a lot of the tips to increase your personal productivity management recommended by so called “experts” only to find yourself less organized than ever. {Oh, and bonus – now you feel like a failure too. Thanks Self-Help Gurus!}
  • Given up the most creative times of your day because you “have a business to run” {#my-business-is-running-me}
  • “Successfully” implemented a guru productivity system only to find yourself with a meticulous in box, perfectly organized files and no creativity? {#be-careful-what-you-wish-for}
  • Decided the only way you can be successful with your creative endeavor is to run yourself ragged, trying to brute-force success by sure will {and quickly (or not so quickly)realized that it isn’t working}
  • Had a loved one “helpfully” suggest that It’s all about priorities, that If you aren’t writing or creating everyday, that’s a YOU problem, that if you really wanted this you’d do it on your lunch hour, at 5am, after your kids go to bed {never-ending insane time you’re supposed be your creative best}
  • Been told (or more likely told yourself, you overachiever) to stop being a lazy procrastinator and make your business or creative endeavor be the success you know it can be

What They Didn't Tell You

As an innovator, writer, musician, artist or creative entrepreneur, if you’ve ever been told that if you just try harder, have more lists or prioritize better, you can “will” your dreams to come true:

I’m here to tell you that it’s all a load of crap (doo doo, poo, malarkey {#Joe-Biden-shout-out},shit, schitzy, bunk…choose your own noun).


  • You can’t produce compelling creative work like you do widgets in a factory.
  • Writing your masterpiece is not the equivalent of clearing out your inbox.
  • Completing creative projects takes multiple parts of your brain and your brain, as a creative person, is wired different than people more suited to analytical tasks
  • Successfully completing creative endeavors takes the ability to be both a task demon and a creative genius. You need the right tools at the right time in your process to accomplish that
  • YOUR brain is not like MY brain or any GURU’s brain. Your brain has it’s own unique signature and I can show you how to find it and use it to your advantage

How Do I Know This?

With a full time job, two side hustles, a bunch of kids and a house full of pets, I managed to write two full length novels, place in a writing contest and land an agent. My debut novel won an award.

Since then, I bought and run a chocolate shop. I’ve written four more books and I’ve started this site. 

But I’m not one of those naturally supercharged humans on the internet that you look at and go “dang, if I could just get some of that.”

I’ve suffered tragedy and struggled with depression. I’m severely dyslexic. I fight the fight everyday to be my best creative self.

The difference is, I’ve learned how to manage MY brain to bring out its best, to give myself my best chance to thrive.

Through my former job managing multimillion dollar creative projects and coaching hundreds of creative people just like you, I’ve learned how to give that secret to other people.

There’s science to back this up and I’ve voraciously read it all and adapted it. Now I want to give it to you 

Willpower and Discipline Are NOT the Answer

When I took on writing fiction {I write romantic mysteries. I like to exploit the fact that you are most likely to die at the hands of the person you sleep with – queue cold shiver} I started noticing a pattern with fellow authors I worked with. They were:

  1. Great writers
  2. Always feeling like they didn’t have enough time to write and often unable to complete their projects
  3. Reading {because that’s what writers do} self-help time management books like mad
  4. Still failing

Through the course of my career as a certified project manager {PMP pronounced PiMP according to my daughter}, I developed a passion for understanding what made people successful at reaching their goals, meeting their deadlines and mastering their tasks. Equally, I was dying to know what made them fail {#my-personal-weirdness}.

Why were so many smart, motivated people failing to meet deadlines? After being sent to one time management course after another, why were some brilliantly creative people still feeling overwhelmed, behind and like failures?

What I discovered {trumpets just sounded} was that each person has a unique time personality. Creative people in particular tend to have inherent attributes that swim against the stream of common productivity wisdom.

In fact, the common wisdom of work on one thing, write more lists, turn off the TV and have discipline is actually counterproductive for certain kinds of people.

Research proves that following the popular time management wisdom will actually make some people LESS productive. {This is the part of the program where I am on bended knees imploring you to stop beating your head against the wall}

Doesn’t It just Make Sense?

In the age of personalized everything, doesn’t it make sense that there is a specific way to manage time based on your unique personality? It did for me. {Hits head in face palm Aha moment}

The good news is that your personal style can be easily identified. I’ve done it for hundreds of people just like you.

Knowing is Huge

When I was diagnosed with dyslexia my life changed forever. Finally, I could understand why I saw the world the way I did. More importantly, I discovered that there were specific things that I needed to do to be successful. It was life changing. {#I-am-not-an-idiot-like-they-all-said}

Similarly, understanding your personal productivity style is the key to unlocking your happiness and success.

You’ve probably taken personality tests before like Myer’s Briggs or DISC. Those tests measure how you see yourself in the world.

This is different. This measures how you naturally operate in the world.

Once you know how you inherently manage things like distractions, details and goals and are given the right tools that fit your style, the world will come into focus.

What used to be hard will start to feel natural. What used to be draining will give you energy. What used to inhibit your success will become its cornerstone. {#you-are-not-an-idiot-either)

I’m Dedicated to Sharing The Secret With you

There is no greater reward for me than watching someone’s life transform through the simple application of the science of productivity management.

If you’ve ever tried to conquer your personal productivity but found yourself feeling overwhelmed or like a big failure, I want to help you.

Thousands of websites promise a happier, healthier, more successful you. By harnessing your personal productivity style and paring it with the right tools, you can actually have that richer, fuller and more successful life you crave.

And I can’t wait to help you grow!

Learn More With My Startup Series

Brain science is complicated. In my startup series I take you through it and show you how you can adapt it to supercharge your productivity, create your best work and feel better doing it

So read my blog, check out my resources, but most importantly, connect with me on email so that I can share the best of my productivity discoveries with you. And then let’s start your journey to becoming a clock buster!

Psst…It’s Not Time You Need. It’s This.

Psst…It’s Not Time You Need. It’s This.

Have you ever found yourself laying under the covers with plenty of time on your hands, your shiny to-do list mocking you and knowing you’re not going to get up? Is your Netflix binge list looking more enticing than getting through your word count today? Are you on...

The Five Dimensions of Time Management

The Five Dimensions of Time Management

You Are at War with a Monster The first step in any war is knowing your enemy. What if I told you that this beast you’ve created known as TIME MANAGEMENT actually isn’t one big hairy monster? The hairy monster standing in the way of you living your dreams, producing...